Dec 6, 2013

This is our reality this morning. It's easy to forget that we are still in autumn, winter has yet to arrive.

My car is still in the shop, almost two weeks now. It is only two years old and has been in and out of the shop almost constantly since September when the electrical issues began.  After changing out the entire wiring harness, ignition switch and a few other things including the remote starter, they are now waiting for a small inconspicuous condenser coil of some sort. They think that may be the cause of all my trouble which included headlights, interior fan and remote starter not working. Thank goodness for warranty coverage.

With this Arctuc High cold snap, our other truck has froze overnight despite being plugged in. So I either stay home today or bundle up and walk.  I think I'll stay inside and get some stuff done.  I heard Christmas is arriving Dec 25 and I haven't started decorating or baking. Ah, why rush...I'll make a cup of hot tea and do some cross stitching or read a book!

Stay warm friends!

1 comment:

Tootsie said...

I had similar issues with my last truck. I got so frustrated that after they gave it back to me for the 4th time...I traded it in. lol
stay warm!