New bathroom decor?!

Do you think the toilet paper would be replaced more often with this holder? I found this at Femail Creations...hmmmmm...I wonder if Joe would notice?


paulandcheryl said...

HEY Alberta love the bathroom tissue holder it is cool have to get me one. Everyone is good here, how are you guys you're sure keeping busy, with all the decorating I wish I could get some done here but I'm not allow to paint or any of that work because of my lungs.I have COPD Im seeing a specalist Dr. in Moncton. I will see him again in April. Tell everyone HI from us. BYE

Anonymous said...

Cheryl...with all the company coming your way, maybe we should do a "while you were out" episode! What are your thoughts???
A nice bubble gum pink bathroom with white lace curtains scented candles and a fuzzy toilet seat cover!!!! Gotcha Paul!