Great weekend - how was yours?

Despite the bee sting start, it was a very nice weekend at home. It was our turn to host UFC with Joanne & Ken and Gayle & Steve. We picked up some fresh produce for pickies after our BBQ supper of beef ribs and smokies with the sauerkraut and potato salad. Thanks Lesley for the spinach was a hit, both Gayle & Joanne needed the recipes! Between supper and the beginning of the fights, we had a mini Wii tutorial...Ken had heard his grandson talking about the game system but had never actually seen it in action. I think we'll have to have a Wii night another weekend!

Sunday, we rolled out of bed to go out to the hot tub and rehash the night before. The air was cool, the tub was just right and the coffee energizing. After that we headed out to Hole's Greenhouse where we got some really nice plants, mostly perennials and Joe got all his herbs for the kitchen garden. Prepping that bed is today's project!

After lunch, we went and picked up the camper. We are a bit rusty with the hook up procedure...Joe forget the lights and electric brake but we hadn't gone too far. Got it backed in, now to get the cleaning supplies out and give it a good wipe down and air the place out. it always smells stale after being closed up for so long.
Supper was leftovers from fight night. We watched Juno, a very funny movie. I can now see what all the fuss around Ellen Page is all about! Then we caught most of PS I Love You. I was surprised that Joe didn't try and change the channel despite the fact I was falling asleep on the love seat. Joe had a 2 hour nap late afternoon. Lucky guy.

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