Treadmill note

Lesley reminded me the other day about a great website Couch to 5 km I had forgotten about it. So I checked it out, basically it helps you go from couch potato to pseudo athlete running a 5 km race. I'm so not up to Mitch's level...I don't think I would qualify as water girl!

Anyways, I soon realized that I'm not at that level...some of it my own couch-ness...and some of it is my limitations due to my chemonucleosis to repair a protruding disc in the 80's.

So I am back to the program recommended through The Running Room and going slow by walking 4 mintues and jogging 1 minute. four repeats and then a cool down walk. Each week you decrease the walk and increase the jog. My first 2 repeats went by like a breeze but I was challenged by the last glad when I could do a brisk walk. The true test will come later in the day/tomorrow as I see how much muscle discomfort I experience.

If anyone else wants to join in with this discussion, please do so. It's nice to have the company even if it's virtual!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I will look at the website and start also. I want to do a 5 km run this year, so I guess I better start training this weekend. I bet I can talk Derek into joining me. Sounds like a plan. I will let you know how I do.