My most talented brother in law found the site up and running with a slight name change.  CLICK HERE  Can you guess which family branch I will be working on now?

I had a wonderful weekend, with a visit from the Beck's.  We seen Gnomeo & Juliet which was very funny and clever.  Seems that Papa's nutcracker collection may be trumped by a possible gnome collection for Nannie.  Please no Borat one's though....this is a modest grandmother! We hit the bowling lanes, with JT winning the first round and Alex the second with a most impressive personal best.  I was happy to break 100!  With the gutter fences up!

We are celebrating Family Day here in AB, so that means a shortened work week for some.  The Centennial Quilt project has stalled as we wait for bureaucracy. Sigh.  Hurry up and wait.

Until next time


Tootsie said...

hey girl...just popping in to say hi...have a great week and if you are the one who wished for some warmer weather....thank you! lol

Alberta said...

Thanks for popping by Glenda! I'm loving these longer days and slightly more seasonable temperatures! In my mind daylight savings = spring is just around the corner!

Back to my seed planting...not as organized as you are, but you are a great source of inspiration!