Four's - yesterday, today & tomorrow

Four new things I have learned or experienced in the past four years and would like to learn or experience in the next four years is the Meme from Lesley

June 2003 - Family

I had just retired from work at PC, doing a job that I was very well suited for and thoroughly enjoyed. I left because I had some huge family challenges ahead that required my full undivided attention. I had to clear out Dad's house, prep and finally sell it. That was a huge undertaking when you consider I live 7 hours away! I ended up driving down on Monday-Thursday/Friday with my dog & my camping gear and go back home for the weekend to relax and most importantly, decompress. I was fortunate, did what I had to do to sell the house by late August. I don't have much else in memories, just that Joe and the all the kids were there if and when I needed them.

June 2007 - Family

I'm enjoying myself, being able to do little projects for the family - sewing etc. Some days I wish I lived closer to the girls, like when the boys broke their arms, or when Heather is by herself while Jeff is away. However I do enjoy not knowing all the petty little day to day things that crop up. We each need that comfort zone which makes togethers all that more sweet.

June 2011 - Family

The grandboys will be coming into their own personality wise. Maybe there will be a granddaughter too! Joe will probably still be working because he's just so good at what he does & he enjoys it. Perhaps though the work will be seasonal opening up larger time off to do things with the kids.

June 2003 - Self

I was fresh from the corporate environment and it showed. Confident, dependable with a can do attitude. I could do anything I set my mind to and some found that intimidating.

June 2007 - Self

I'm much more relaxed than I have ever been. Still confident but not in your face kind of way. I'm much more approachable and still enjoy taking on new challenges.

June 2011 - Self

I would like to continue my journey into becoming a person at peace with her life, family and situation. Hopefully those around me will have found a sense of peace and relaxation.

June 2003 - Community

In the past, I've always been involved with my community, doing volunteer work in some capacity. this time is different. Since Mom's passing, I'm had my own internal struggles to work through while trying to do my best for Dad and my siblings. Although i tried to get on board with a project I believed in, I just couldn't give up enough of myself. It wasn't fair to them or to me.

June 2007 - Community

I'm still sitting on the side lines but I speak up to the people that can make a difference when the need arises. I'm not sure if it's a good thing that our town hall offices are over the library or not. I do go to the library frequently! It doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to zip upstairs and have a chat!

June 2011 - Community

I'd love to be doing something worthwhile in a larger way. Not monetary, although I do miss a work environment, but something to make a difference in our town or its people. Perhaps volunteer with a reading program. Contribute to the local newspapers. I haven't done that in years...well no I stand corrected...I did have a spell when I had an editor in my email address book!

2003 - Friends

Those who know me know I don't need a slew of people around me. Joe, our careers and I wouldn't have lasted as long as we did if I were that type. During this time, my friends besides the immediate family had to be all the professionals that I surrounded myself with - lawyers, clerks, administrators, Realtors, bankers...the list goes on. I even got on friendly terms with a clerk at the Med Hat garbage dump!

2007 - Friends

I still have a select group of friends and a long list of acquaintances. Some have crossed the lines, both ways. One of my supply drivers from my past career is now a friend through Jo next door. Other business people I know still remember me and I am so moved by that. I have friends from past military postings and a few from high school. I am so lucky. I always try to be the best I am to everyone and leave a great first, second impression.

2011 - Friends

I don't expect there to be much in the way of changes to my circle of friends, perhaps grow a bit larger. Joe will lead the group and I think we will all age beautifully together. As we go through our lives, I find that friendships web and flow as our experiences mold us into who we are. We grow closer and then apart until the next wave that brings us back. Through Facebook, I have been able to reconnect with some people from the past and I would love to be able to host a visit from my dear friend Peggy & Emile. Although we don't see each other for decades, much like Bren, when we do, it's just like yesterday! When it feels good, you know you are in the company of a friend.

So now I think I'm supposed to tag 4 others to continue this journey. That is going to be a tough decision. Between those in the family who are pregnant, just moving, just had a baby, just went back to work...the list is pretty short. But here goes nothing!
  1. Melanie
  2. Henry
  3. Anne
  4. Krista

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