Water & Freecycle

Update...just got this photo from Aunt Betty...no explanation needed!

1. I have to extend our good thoughts, vibes, prayers, whatever you want to call it, to our family & friends affected by the flooding of the Saint John river. Here I was feeling sorry for myself after a day and a half of rain and cold when I was high and dry inside with the furnace on and a cup of hot tea! I just learned that cousin Dave & Jo-Anne are cut off their power, internet. Not sure how close the water is to the house. My friend Cathey's home if cut off from the outside world on both sides of the road. She still has internet and power but for how long?! She claims to have seen a fish in their water swollen front ditch...but she didn't get a photo!

2. I did more purging etc yesterday...lots of paper shredded. Joe came home unexpectedly - I didn't get back to it after supper. He's such a distraction...in a nice way of course! I pulled out dry erase board to Freecycle along with some labels I'm not going to use. Well what do I do...do I give this to the first one who responds? He's tagged me twice before for stuff...I think he lives on Freecycle! I swear I haven't posted it 5 minutes before I got tagged. He knows where to pick the stuff up but I want to give someone a chance...I know I have NEVER gotten anything I've gone after.

3. Looks like a busy weekend ahead. Seems our BBQ has seen better days...some rust issues, but we were very pleased with the Flav-wave system as opposed to lava rock or ceramic bricks.
We'll also get the mower out and give it the once over. We did a mini tune up lat year and it worked great but...seems this is year 10 for the beast! I'd rather replace it on my terms than to have it die the day before company arrives!

4. We'll also be breaking the water budget by starting the hot tub. Joey called to ask if our snow was gone...and if so would there be water in the tub next weekend. How can you not comply with that request! He's also got other huge plans for him, Alex and the rest of us. In a day and a half he wants to swim, golf, bowl and maybe sleep a bit! I hope we are ready for a busy weekend of fun & games.

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