Lilies and more lilies!

Last night was Lily night...with special guest speaker Kathy Strawson. We learned how to scale a lily...which simply means peeling off the daughters so you can create an almost endless number of new identical plants! So if you love your lily...make more. To get us started, we each received a planted scale of our very own, exclusive to us Morinville Mystique! Page down to the end to see this beauty.

Lucky me...I also won a door prize...another lily, won a table draw...another lily...and I bought a couple of yellow ones! Thanks Joe! Oh and it was seed exchange night so... I got some Martagon lily SEEDS! These babies need lots of TLC including undisturbed growing once they sprout for up to 7 years before they bloom! However, we have been assured that these are beauties and well worth the wait. We'll see.

On another front, the house is quickly cooling...the boys are trying to adjust...but we are shopping for warm slippers tonight...and maybe an early Christmas surprise. Stay tuned!

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