Day 3

for my self- salt restriction attitude. I don't want to say diet because it isn't, I just become aware of my dependence on the salt shaker. This is not doctor directed, just something that I want to do for myself.  In my defense I must say that I usually taste before adding! But I've always loved my salt...even on something as benign as a cheese sandwich. I'm finding food tastes different. Maybe this will help me with my portion control as we all try to get back to the basics of Canada's Food Guide

Busy week ahead...I still have so many projects underway, it's ridiculous. But hey, once they done, I can go on to others like helping Joe set up his bar in his corner of the house!


Lucie said...

I can remember when I went off the Jenny Craig food, everything else tasted so salty.

Lesley said...

I don't think I've ever been a huge salt fan, now garlic on the other hand, YUMMY!

Alberta said...

I suppose it's all relative...I was weak and had a few pretzel crisps while watching Jack @ 24...maybe tomorrow will be better.

Hazel said...

Your taste buds will change and you'll find things are too salty! x