What a character!

Here is Romy, out back to enjoy the morning sun...sitting on a clump of Blue Fescue that has revealed itself from the melting snowbank!  When I think of cats and gardens, I'm thinking litter box not cushy bed!  I think she is hearing the noise of mice under the snow.  At the other end of this bed is evidence of them - trails of chewed lawn...and a few round burrow holes.  Come on cat, you should be scaring them away, not observing them!  Maybe she's a member of PETA!


Anonymous said...

Cats are fascinating animals for sure, you just never know if they are gonna snub you and walk away, or come over for a little cuddle and affection! Hope Romy enjoys the sunshine and that you do too!

Meari said...

How funny :) He's probably wishin for spring, too!

Tootsie said...

she does look busy and happy!

Wendy said...

At least Romy is keeping a good eye on them. When I move my feet at night Lula thinks it's a mouse in the bed.