Great week

A lot of things came into focus for me this week on many levels.  I wonder if it's a case of what you give away you receive back. Lots of positive vibes to enjoy.

I finally got off my tush and got things moving for a centennial project in our town. We turn 100 and the town had indicated to me they would very much like a quilt!  And that's as definitive a description as I got.  I'm meeting with 3 other quilters that have a similar mind set as me...if you say you're going to do something, you do it in a timely manner...early next week to make a game plan.  Then we or some of us will meet with the town liaison and manager of our new Cultural Centre and hopefully get more parameters.  Then we'll have to decide how to proceed.  My biggest fear is advertising this project, having a 100 people show up with varying skills and ideas and have this turn into a gong show.  Should be interesting if nothing else.

Our last garden club meeting has a train wreck.  Our guest speaker canceled at the last minute and so we decided we would discuss seed sources etc. Well that went by the way side when our vp decided to tell us all how she plans on running the club when she takes over this summer.  Her idea is that it will turn into a mobile club, traveling to different members homes and checking out their gardens with a very loose agenda...may pull weeds at one place, plant at another etc.  Some of our members live on acreages but she figures we can all figure out a way to get there. Gone would be the guest speakers and workshops.  Gone are the Dec & Jan meetings but we would meet July & August. We have 25+ would be over 2 years before they showed up at my garden gate.  I said though that when they do visit we would be staining the fence & deck.  That went over like a lead balloon but I think I got my point across. I spoke with the founder of the club and she agrees that this will be it's demise after 12 years of happy informative friendship.

I'm continuing work on my sunflower wall hanging.  I have so upright or anal if you will when it comes to free motion quilting.  Good thing I started my course at the end of the month!!!!  They do suggest you relax with a glass of wine before beginning but that would only throw my foot into agonizing pain.  Maybe a hot bath would do the same.  

I'm still reading lots.  Seems that I have little tolerance for idiot TV.  I've been PVR what I think I might want to watch and then speeding through it and deleting if it isn't time worthy.  The bad thing is I used to sit and cross stitch while listening to a show or 2, now I can't!  Back to the drawing board.

Well I've taking up enough of your time, leave a comment so I know I'm not talking to myself here...even Romy is fast asleep!!!


mumzy said...

I hope you will be able to show us what pattern and what colors you are going to use for that quilt. Being a quilter myself, it certainly peeked my interest when you mentioned that proposed quilt.

deb said...

Just aweful about the funeral home.

And so frustrating about the garden club.

Have a great weekend