March 29, 2012

Woo Hoo!  2 posts in one week! lol  At least I can laugh at myself.

I had an awesome day Tuesday.  Had 2 surprise phone calls.  The first was from a dear family friend Ken. The things he does amazes me! Earlier he had written a book of childhood memories and stories for his children and grandchildren.  What a thoughtful legacy!  Goes to show you don't have to be a celebrity to write your memoirs.  Now, Ken is compiling recollections from friends of their memories of Ken as an adult.  Hmm...this is going to need some quiet time, a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

Later Tuesday I had a happy call from my brother - in - in law Garry. Although we hadn't seen each other for a few years...not sure how many... he sounded like I remember and that's a good thing.  Funny how some people seem to change before your very eyes and others seem true to themselves for years.  

My seedlings are growing along.  Not very many jalapenos or green peppers have sprouted.  Tomatoes, well that's a different story.  If they all make it, I have 2 local garden clubs I can share the extras with. My success story is my second generation geraniums.  I grew 3 different colours from seed last year.  They did very well outside, giving my yard a lovely shot of colour.  In the fall I took cuttings and started rooting them.  19 of them are now potted up and starting to bloom.  I'll be pinching the blooms off shortly after I mark the bloom colour.  I want a bushier plant but would like to know their colours in case they aren't in bloom come late May.

I've been working in my creative studio and last night my carpal tunnel flared up with a vengeance.  I'll be smarter tonight and put my brace on cuz I'm not planning on slowing down any! Too many ideas running through my head.  Until next time, be good!


Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

Hi Alberta! Thank you so much for visiting me and leaving a comment on my blog! Reading about your post reminded me that I should probably start some seedlings this week since it's about 8 weeks {I hope!} to planting time! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Angie xo

mumzy said...

Sorry that I have been around lately but I hope to be back to it now. Of course, I'm sure you have seen Pumpkin's blogs of late and know what we have been dealing with. However, we are now going forward with our wonderful Grandson and other things.